
Kursty featured on The Workplace Leader podcast

By Kursty Groves Knight,

Published on Jan 22, 2022   —   1 min read


Interview with Sabine Ehm of Locatee, and host of The Workplace Leader. We dig into what makes inspiring work environments and touch upon some of the misconceptions around creativity and collaboration.

Interview with Sabine Ehm of Locatee, and host of The Workplace Leader.

Listen to the full interview on Spotify or Apple.

What supports creativity in the workplace? - Extract from the conversation.

We dig into what makes inspiring work environments and touch upon some of the misconceptions around creativity and collaboration:

❗Collaboration does not equal everybody together all the time. 
❗Creativity does not equal bright colours and Post-its everywhere. 

A thing will not make you or your people creative. So, for instance you cannot install a foosball table and then expect creativity to happen. 

It is much more important to understand the fundamental human elements that support creativity like:

☀️ Natural light, 
🌳 Exposure to nature and
🏃 Movement.


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